239: The Cloud Pod Sees the Irony of Using AI to Assist with Climate Change

Episode 239 December 14, 2023 01:08:16
239: The Cloud Pod Sees the Irony of Using AI to Assist with Climate Change
239: The Cloud Pod Sees the Irony of Using AI to Assist with Climate Change

Dec 14 2023 | 01:08:16


Show Notes

The Cloud Pod Sees the Irony of Using AI to Assist with Climate Change  Welcome to episode 239 of The Cloud Pod podcast, where the forecast is always cloudy! Jonathan, Matthew and Ryan are your hosts this week as we talk about all things AI and Climate Change - and Google’s assertion that their AI is going to fix it all. Also on today’s agenda: updates to Google Next’s new dates, Azure’s chips, Defender, and all the shenanigans over at OpenAI. Join us! 

Titles we almost went with this week:

Microsoft Ignites my dislike for their conferences  Google keeps using that Sustainability word…. The gift of no cost learning ‍The CloudPod has an advent calendar for AI

A big thanks to this week’s sponsor:

Foghorn Consulting provides top-notch cloud and DevOps engineers to the world’s most innovative companies. Initiatives stalled because you have trouble hiring?  Foghorn can be burning down your DevOps and Cloud backlogs as soon as next week.

General News

00:50 Broadcom announces successful acquisition of VMware  01:58 Matthew - “I feel like whenever you get acquired, a lot of the duplicated admin services and like HR, finance, some of those kind of naturally - like whenever a company gets acquired, I feel like there's always layoffs within the first six months, and it's really just a lot of those overlapping services now that the parent org has. But I know that they own Symantec. That was news to me.” 04:36 Ryan - “I think that the big value prop was for a lot of these things was, you know, being able to run that virtualized infrastructure and then the partnerships are, you know, to be able to run that with the same skill sets and the same people running both without having to get into the specifics of, you know, AWS or Azure cloud specifics. And so offering that as sort of a generalized compute… I think as cloud has become more prevalent and popular and there's more people that know it, not enough, but still more. I think that value really goes down where you no longer need that sort of UI driven cloud management service that VMware provided for years.”

AI is Going Great!

06:11 **See Aftershow**


06:17 If you haven’t already, go listen to ep 238!  That’s our AWS re:Invent recap show; there really isn't any AWS news outside of that for this week. 


06:28  Early Registration Now Open for Google Cloud Next ’24 (April 9-11) in Las Vegas 10:28 Jonathan - “I think the value has never really been in the announcements, which you can get from anywhere. Sometimes the sessions are good, but they're mostly available online. And they don't teach you anything that you can't learn from blogs or people in the industry or anything else. I think the absolute value of things like Next or Reinvent is a community that goes there and gathers and it's all the extra stuff to the actual event that makes it worth attending. So it's almost worth going to Vegas, not buying the ticket, and just socializing and meeting people. 13:22 Cloud Storage Autoclass now available for existing Cloud Storage buckets 13:55 Ryan - “...anything where the service is enabling you to save a little money by moving your least accessed data to a cheaper storage tier with different performance characteristics, I really like. And I like how automatic and sort of ubiquitous these features are becoming.” 17:23 Looker Studio brings powerful explorations, fresher data and faster filtering   19:55 Introducing BigQuery cross-region replication: enhanced geo-redundancy for your data  22:12 Jonathan - “The nice thing about it is the way it sort of works under the covers in that you don't have to address the replica using a different name. If you're in that region and you want to make a read, it will read from the replica. So if the primary region goes down, you don't need to update anything. The queries will still work. It's just magic in the background. And if you want to promote the secondary region to become a primary and be the writeable region, you can do so. And it's all just very seamless. It's very nicely done.” 24:17 Accelerating climate action with AI 30:10 How Google's data centers help Europe meet its sustainability goals   13:17 12 days of no-cost training to learn generative AI this December


34:27 Microsoft Azure delivers purpose-built cloud infrastructure in the era of AI 41:04 Microsoft Announces General Availability of Defender for APIs 41:54 Ryan - “Sort of buried in that last one is probably the best part of this announcement, which is the big difference about this and something like a WAF is that this is allowing you to test your controls and set up in your development pipeline, right? Which is not something that's been available today, anywhere else. And so like typically, you have your WAF managed by either a centralized cloud or security team and you have your development staff, and when it's all working great and cohesive together, everything's hunky dory, but then you add a new method, a new path that's not defined properly in the WAF or it conflicts with some sort of rule. And then all of a sudden you get a very, very difficult problem to troubleshoot, and it's going to take coordination across multiple teams in order to do that. And so it's sort of a pain, right? And so I also like the fact that putting in the development pipeline, it closes the feedback cycle.” 44:09 Azure Backup for AKS: Cloud native, Enterprise ready, Kubernetes aware backup 48:15 Public preview: Private subnet 50:29 Matthew - “It was just fascinating that it is 2023, almost 2024. And this was not an option out there prior to this. And it's actually not even GA’d yet. And this was a release during Microsoft Ignite. And I was just like, wait, what? This, this is not the way this works. Like my brain just didn't process that, the subnets that had nine gateway still, you know, the instances still had, sorry, the virtual machine still had, you know, public IP addresses somewhere.”

After Show

53:50 I think the Open AI board had more transparency issues than Sam Altman

OpenAI announces leadership transition A statement from Microsoft Chairman and CEO Satya Nadella  Sam Altman returns as CEO, OpenAI has a new initial board  OpenAI Will Add Microsoft as Board Observer, Plans Governance Changes 


And that is the week in the cloud! We would like to thank our sponsors Foghorn Consulting. Check out our website, the home of the Cloud Pod where you can join our newsletter, slack team, send feedback or ask questions at theCloud Pod.net or tweet at us with hashtag #theCloud Pod

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